Our Services

Water Audit
Under the provisions of this Act, any individual, industry or institution, using the water resources of the State, has to pay the Cess on water consumed.The Government of India have enacted the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977 (Act No.36 of 1977) and enforced the Act from 01.04.78 with rules there under. This Act and the Rules framed there under were published in the Government of India Gazette (Extra-ordinary) dt.27.03.1978 and dt. 24.07.1978 respectively
We At Eco-Ventures Provide Following Technical Assistance To Industries
- Inspect the manufacturing process of the consumer
- Inspect the water supply systems & installation in the plant
- Inspect the wastewater treatment system & installations inside the plant.
- Inspect the drainage system & installation including storm water disposal in the plant.
- Call for & inspect records related to use & consumption of materials, water & those relating to production.
- Call for any other information or records relating to supply, consumption and treatment of water in the plant.
Eco-Ventures Also Evaluates Compliances Reports
- Assessing the cess.
- Compliance to all provision of water (pcp) Act.
- Compliance to all standards laid down under E(P)Act.
- Form filling- Form 1 of cess rules.
- Calculating details of consumption for different purpose.
- As section -7 of Cess Act, Compliance for rebate.