Company Profile

Company Profile
At Eco Ventures, we collaborate with public and private limited industries and provide consultancy services that address environmental issues from the project conception up to the design stage. Our in-depth knowledge of national and regional environmental legislation, address the client's need for adopting the correct environmental practices and pursuing projects on land free from potential legal and environmental impediments.
Mr. S.K. Gupta, our Founder and Managing Director, was instrumental in setting up 'Vayubodhan Upakaran Pvt. Ltd.' and 'Envirotech Instruments Pvt. Ltd.' a brand of air pollution monitoring equipment. Our state of the art environmental monitoring facilities not only provide accurate results, but also help in multi-faceted analysis of the probable mitigation measures, suited to your site. We also design and implement mitigation measures on site that serve to reduce the existing environmental impacts. Preventive action is equally, if not more, important than mitigation. For addressing preventive measures, we provide environment due diligence services that analyze the potential risks involved in a particular project.
Our experience of 30 years in several industrial sectors, coupled with accomplished alliance partners, has enabled us to pursue successful environmental ventures and provide innovative solutions to our clients. No environmental issue is too large or too late to be addressed. The key, however, lies in tackling these problems at project inception.
EVPL Introduces a brand new chapter as it walks the talk on sustainability, we are very excited to invite you on our journey in corresponding practical every day solutions for domestic & commercial application through our three new ventures.